An EvntShell Demo application to show how slider icons can be set up and controlled.
Sliders that have 'bump' icons associated with them (i.e. the one in the window with the text 'Click or drag the slider bar') can be altered by using SELECT or ADJUST on the bump icons. Holding down SHIFT and/or CTRL increases the rate of change.
All of the sliders in this demo can be adjusted by dragging or clicking on them. The updating of the 'Percentage' icon showing the value of one of the sliders is automatically updated by EvntShell. Optionally a function can be called in your application every time a slider changes, or you can wait for a click on an 'OK' icon and then read the slider values.
At the moment sliders can be horizontal or vertical, but the start of the slider bar can only be on the left or lower edge of the background icon (the white ones). Each slider consists of a slider bar and a background icon which sets the minimum and maximum extents of the slider. Optionally there can be a 'well' icon (a 3D border), two bump icons and a value display icon.
Any number of sliders can be used in a window, although things are likely to get a bit slow and flickery with a large number of sliders.